
a) To determine the place of Jafarism in the history of culture and thought in Turkey based on information and documents and to research the information, documents and findings obtained.
b) To deliver the academic research journal, book, electronic mail, bulletin and similar means to be published by the Center to individuals and institutions conducting research, as well as to present them to students and large masses of people through activities such as conferences, panels and symposiums.
c) To open and conduct postgraduate education programs to conduct research on Jafarism.
Areas of Activity
a) a) To digitize, archive, translate and publish manuscripts on Jafarism, conduct content analysis, publish Turkish and English summaries in electronic media, and conduct field research in Iğdır and its region.
b) To find written documents, books and documents belonging to different periods in Iğdır region and to make them available to researchers.
c) To create a documentation center in the Center, to ensure that master's and doctoral studies are carried out on manuscripts and other classical works related to Jafari collected in the archive of this Center.
d) To establish a library of published works related to the fields of activity within the Center.
e) To cooperate in ideas and projects with relevant institutions and organizations within the scope of the aims and activities of the Center.
f) To contribute scientifically to the development of international relations by establishing communication with public and private organizations working in this field in Turkey and abroad.